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Psychological Support Services

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Many families of those with an autism spectrum diagnosis, and individuals themselves, have times when they need support, information and advice. Spectrum offers psychological support services, therapeutic input, and psycho-education to help individuals and families deal with a variety of issues.


Sessions operate on an hourly basis, and allow the opportunity for family members or individuals with ASC to talk about difficulties they are facing. Sessions are typically via video-conference, but in-person face to face may be possible if required. For many, simply being able to voice difficulties to someone who understands ASC can be of immense help.


Spectrum also provides small group structured therapeutic support for people who have been diagnosed autistic or ADHD. These sessions follow a set programme, where people can sign up to complete the course.


We can provide advice and information to help families and individuals understand and cope with the difficulties they face. In some instances Spectrum may be able to offer one-to-one sessions of direct intervention, for example working with individuals on the Spectrum and their families around difficulties with stress, anger or anxiety. Decisions around guidance, support and interventions will be made on an individual basis in discussion with the person and/or their family, ensuring informed choice.

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